When you enter the GERMAN collection sites ( Die Sammlung ), you will find detailed information about every piece I have categorised. To explain the things I tell you about every piece on the German pages, I have translated a part of the first page of the collection.
- Some important words used in the descriptions can be found in a translation table
- You can also look up the places the glass was made (glassworks),
- the catalogs mentioned in the collection (called MB=Musterbuch)
- and the books I used to find out more about the pieces (bibliography)
To find out more about the categories of the collection, please go back to The collection.
If you need further help, please write a mail.
Translation of the first page of the archive (dishes)
Kleiner Teller - Short
explanation of the piece shown left (here: small dish)
- Farblos. - Colour (here: transparent/ colourless)
- D: 14,4 cm - Size/ diameter
- Marke: Ritter mit Hellebarde. - Mark (here: knight with halberd)
- Herst.: Gebr. von Streit - Producer
- Form: rund, Standring, vielpassiger Rand. - Shape
- Dekor: Über feinem Pfeifenfries Mäander- und Rosettenband. Im Spiegel fünf Reihen Rosetten durch Standring tw.
beschnitten. Anstelle zentraler Rosette Ring mit Marke. - Decor/ design
- Abb. MB Gebr. von Streit 1913, Tafel 11 "Teller, hellweiß gepreßt, Nr. 20". Aus dem Service
"Berlin". Dort jedoch D: 155 mm. Auch MB 1930, Tafel 16.
- if found in a catalog, here is where
- S. a. PK 2000/5 und 6 und PK 2001/1 ausführlich.
- if more explanations can be found in other books, here is where
- 5 Exemplare.- number of specimen I have.
1.001.1 - this
piece is similar to the one shown above (differs in size etc.)
- Andere Größe: D: 15,2 cm. Sonst wie vor. - difference to the “master” piece shown above (here: different size)
- 8 Exemplare.
Nächste Seite Teller - next page in the collection
Nächste Kategorie im Archiv: Gedenkteller - next category in the archive
Zum Einführungstext über Teller - text about dishes
Inhaltsverzeichnis der Sammlung - table of contents
Musterbücher - catalogs
Glashütten - glassworks
Seitenanfang - top of the page
Bibliographie - bibliography